Friday, September 20, 2024

On Never Getting Old


Hey, Ronnie—
I hope you don’t mind if I call you Ronnie. This is easier to write if I don’t use titles.
Let’s start with the obvious: 44 years is a long time, and I really miss having you here. I mean, obviously, you’re still here and you’ll always be wherever I am, but some of my conversations with you lately are a little one-sided. 
I miss your humor and your unique perspective on the world, and I really miss throwing a baseball with you. 
We’re all good, and I know you’re good wherever you are. We’ll catch up someday.
In the meantime, your Daughter-in-law and me? We are great. You’d love her. She’s amazing. Speaking of amazing, your Grandchildren are also amazing. They each got a healthy dose of your “good-crazy,” and you’d love their brains and their humor and their kindness. In the last year, you also got a Granddaughter-in-law, and she’s amazing, too. 
We speak of you often, with love and laughter, and we think of you even more.
You never got old. Truth is, you were cheated there. Forever Young is only exquisite in the lyrics of a song.
I know you also love great TV and film. Every September 20, I play the clip from The West Wing when Martin Sheen stands on the altar in the cathedral and asks God, “Have I displeased you, you feckless thug?” Pretty brazen, standing in church and calling God a feckless thug. You’d have thought it was brilliant. I certainly did. I think of you every time I play it. Best scene and best line in the entire series.
You know how we used to play catch in the kitchen? Baseball is still my thing. Speaking of that, we need to discuss the 1981 baseball team. They’re an incredible group of guys who jumped right in when I was a little lost and I really needed it. Any group led by Mark Rathbun is pretty special, but you knew that already. They’re my Hall of Famers. They’re heroes. I love them all. You’d love them, too.
So we’re good here. I’m with my people. Just reminding you that you’re one of my people, too.
Love you. As the guy from Freehold wrote, I’ll meet you further on up the road.


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