Thursday, November 16, 2006

Three More Must-Reads

So, I'm over the 50,000 word barrier on the novel, and cruising. Actually, I had focus groups at work last night, so I'm dragging tonight. Plus, the Saint, Oldest Child (the newly-minted teenager) and Middle Child are out. I'm home with Daughter.

But that's not why I'm writing.

I mentioned my friend Seth Gitell in a recent post. Seth has three posts you need to read. One deals with food, but the two about politics are fabulous. Particularly the post about his relatives who served in the military. It's currently the third post down his blog.

Unfortunately, Anti-Semitism is alive and well in the United States. I won't talk about the abhorrence of the comment on Seth's blog. Seth more than defends himself.

I will say that I'm proud Seth is my friend. Take a look at that particular post. You'll see why.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't believe you cut off debate on the Hoyer/Murtha race. I put my kids to bed too so that I could get ready for a long evening discussing your party's sojourn into leadership squabbles! We have some experience here-recall the coup against Armey and Gingrich?

Yes, this is a not so veiled attempt to inject politics into your blog. Maybe you should spin off a political entry every so often. Then I would have more to contribute since I know didly about writing and publishing I currently don't have a lot to say. A political piece now and again would give me a fighting chance! And I still say I'm right and that its more than a one day story.

BTW-Read, actually scanned, Seth's piece. He had a nice retort to the moron. But what interested me even more was the story further down about Weintraub's in Worcester. Having spent many a Sunday morning breakfast/brunch on Water Street on the campaign trail back in the early 90's and enjoying every minute of it, I'm surprised Seth hadn't discovered it sooner. Its a must stop for pols across the Commonwealth. Water Street in general is famous for its Jewish deli's and Weintraub's is the best of the bunch.

10:46 PM, November 16, 2006  
Blogger Adam Hurtubise said...

Nice try, BMAG.

No bites.

5:56 PM, November 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even still, you gotta give me a thin shred of credit for including a veiled political reference about Seth's piece on his Worcester deli tour.

2:48 PM, November 19, 2006  
Blogger Adam Hurtubise said...

Thin credit indeed.

Thin credit given.

5:10 PM, November 19, 2006  

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