Thursday, March 23, 2006

Sometimes, You Just Need to Recharge the Batteries

No manuscript work tonight. None. I'm not even attempting it.

This is one evening where life got in the way. My mother's in town. I've got a fabulous concert tomorrow. I have 2 kids slightly under the weather and the third going away for the weekend.

And I needed a ferocious workout at the gym. Memo to self: Never, never, never, never bench press on a full stomach again.

I'm sitting here at the trusty Mac, during one of my prime writing hours, and I'm blogging.

That tells me something. It tells me to take a night off. I cranked out 1,500 words last night and they were mostly quality. I broke the 20,000- and 21,000-word barriers.

Plus, tomorrow night, I'll be too keyed up after the Kristofferson concert to do anything except write. Tomorrow night could be a 2,500 word session.

It's great to have writing goals, and I need them, but I don't have to be a slave to them every week. Just most weeks.

Here's to blowing off a session once in a while. I think I'll head over to J.A.'s Place or Genre Bendres to see what's going on. I'll carry a flask of Knob Creek with me in case there's no bourbon.


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Blogger WannabeMe said...

Wow, you work-out? I'm so impressed.

12:47 AM, March 24, 2006  
Blogger Adam Hurtubise said...

Yeah, Dana--

I work out. It's stress relief.

Apparently I get comment spam, too.


7:32 AM, March 24, 2006  
Blogger Mindy Tarquini said...

That was one impressive bit of spam there, Adam. I mean, mine just says stuff like, 'Surfed in. Nice blog. Visit me for penis enlargers.'

3:38 PM, March 24, 2006  
Blogger Adam Hurtubise said...

I'm still trying to honor my encyclopedic/omniscient Designer/Architect, MG.


3:50 PM, March 24, 2006  

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