Friday, September 28, 2007

Hot off the Presses

For those who need a Springsteen fix, there's a great piece in today's New York Times.

You can also see his whole Today Show concert on the show's website.

That is all.



Sunday, September 23, 2007

Maybe It Should Be An International Holiday

I checked the Big Brother software on my blog this morning and found hits from five different countries, and none from the United States. Every visitor was searching under some variation of "Springsteen Birthday."

I'm glad I'm not the only one who treats September 23 as a National Holiday. I've made friends around the country and around the world simply because we're Springsteen fans.

Last year on the National Holiday, we interviewed Chris Phillips of Backstreets Magazine, and a few thousand of you showed up to party. I had to buy more beer.

This year, we're very, very low key, maybe because it's a Sunday, or perhaps because we're all getting ready for the new tour. But we still have beer and good music. Feel free to stop in and join the party.

Perhaps I'll see some of you in Hartford next week. One of my friends gave me a fabulous Bruce's Birthday gift this year: a ticket to the opening night of the tour.


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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

That Time of Year Again

Ahh, September. We're less than a week away from the National Holiday known as Bruce Springsteen's Birthday.

Remember this post? I had fun. Chris Phillips from Backstreets had fun. Many of you had fun.

This year, the National Holiday falls on a Sunday, so it may be slightly more subdued. But maybe not.

Tickets for the Boston stop on the Magic tour go on sale on Saturday morning, so here's hoping I score some nice Bruce's Birthday presents for the Saint, some friends and me.


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Tuesday, September 11, 2007


While we remember Sept. 11, 2001, I'd like to point you toward two particularly good tributes. Seth Gitell's is here. Dave Guarino's is here. For those of you who follow the Boston media, Dave also has a particularly poignant appreciation of the late, great Paul Sullivan.


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Monday, September 10, 2007

Department of Self-Promotion

My fabulous agents work very quickly. I sent them my edited manuscript earlier today. The agency sent out its regular newsletter this afternoon.

You can read about my novel in the third entry under "UP AND COMING FOR SUBMISSION".

Which means... well...

We're about to submit.

Batting practice is over. I'm in the game.

So if I seem both giddy and stressed out over the next few weeks, now you know why.



It's on the Way

My manuscript is officially on its way back to my agents.

I will now enjoy time with the Saint and the kids.



Thursday, September 06, 2007

Truly Random

1. The Saint and the boys are back in school. Daughter is back in daycare. Everything seems to be going smoothly, though nobody is sleeping as much as we were a few days ago.

2. I saw the video for Radio Nowhere. I'm now all stressed out that I might not get concert tickets.

3. My manuscript will be winging its way to New York, via the ether, within days, probably within hours.

4. Go over and visit the Great and Gifted Jamie Ford. While you're there, congratulate him on his nifty, well-earned, six-figure publishing deal.


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Monday, September 03, 2007

Still in Single Digits (Barely)

Honestly, I can't believe it's been a year since I wrote this post. Today, Middle Child turned nine. He's in third grade. He's brilliant. He's... He's... nine? Did I just say nine? How did that happen?

How did a little blond cherub with big cheeks and a penchant for donuts and ice cream turn into... a tall, brown-haired linebacker with a penchant for donuts and ice cream?

Last year, he celebrated his birthday with one of his best buddies, a boy with the same birthday. We all went to a water park, then for dinner at Middle Child's favorite restaurant.

Adding to my preternatural feeling of deja vu, this year, he and his best buddy, along with The Saint and best buddy's mom, went to the same water park. Tonight, we're hitting the Outback again, where I'm sure we'll eat the same stuff we normally eat (though I suppose I won't, since I've sworn off both ice cream and soda, and I've dropped nearly a stone as a result).

I suppose I should have known this day was coming. I can read a calendar. I've had the day marked.

Topping it off, I was forewarned. Middle Child starts school earlier than the rest of the family; this year, he wanted to have his birthday party while he was still on Summer Vacation. So we hosted the sleepover a few weeks ago, on a rainy, muggy, buggy night. This was a camping out theme: flashlights in the goody bags, s'mores, and a birthday cake that looked just like a campfire (The Saint worked her magic). We also set up Lt. Ed Novak's tent... in the middle of the living room. Four kids stayed up until 2 a.m. and then thankfully, slept in... until 6 a.m.

No sleepovers tonight. Though four of us will be getting up at 6 anyway (The Saint starts school tomorrow; Daughter goes to daycare; Middle Child, as I may have mentioned, is already back in school; and I deliver him to the bus and Daughter to daycare). Oldest Son, of course, doesn't start school until Thursday, so he gets a two-day reprieve.

So in most ways, nothing has changed. Middle Child has put another year on his clock, which is shocking to me only because the time has flown so quickly.

In the last year, Middle Child has earned straight As in school (again), started three or four rock bands with his buddy with the same birthday, played center on his basketball team (he's a head taller than any other kid on the court), turned into a natural first baseman, and torn up the league with his bat (at the plate, he looks like Carl Yastrzemski, virtually identical stance, and since Fall Ball has started, he's pulling the ball on almost every pitch).

How has he stayed the same? He still loves ice cream, donuts, his brother, his sister, The Saint and me (usually in that order, though sometimes Oldest Son is farther down the list). He still possesses an (even more) outrageous sense of humor. He still enjoys mooning people.

To this, I add that it's only been a year, so I haven't changed much either. Today is Middle Child's day, and I remind myself, as I do every day, how lucky I am to be his dad.

Happy Birthday, Buddy. I love you.

