Words and Music
Rock stars are the biggest influences on my fiction writing. I'm always trying to boil down my prose, to cut it, to hack, hack, hack, so that every remaining word is important to the story. Singers do this all the time. Songs are a hundred words each. My fiction comes in at over a hundred thousand words per book, and that's after I've ruthlessly edited.
I listen to a lot of songs while I write, but it's all research. I actually find it very difficult to write while I'm playing songs. I can either pay attention to the words on my screen, or pay attention to the words coming from my speakers, but I can't do both at the same time. Resist all Gerald Ford jokes.
Whether I'm listening for research or pleasure, however, the culprits remain the same: Springsteen, Johnny Cash and Kris Kristofferson. Sometimes, as I've previously posted, I need to reveal my inner badass. Instead of listening to hard rock, that's when I reach for outlaw country.
Since Kristofferson and Johnny Cash are both rock stars and outlaw country pioneers, I've got two right there (you can look up Johnny Cash in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame if you don't believe me). Willie Nelson is too mellow, so Waylon Jennings has come up at least a dozen times during this novel. Once in a while, Hank Williams Jr. and Toby Keith make appearances.
Do you listen to anything while you're writing? Not while you're blogging-- I mean while you're working on a manuscript? If yes, what? Is there something consistent?
If you're reading this and you don't write, do you listen to music while you read? What do you listen to? I can't listen to anything while I read, but I've never been good at that kind of multi-tasking.
Some of you who check in here frequently without blogger accounts: you can post anonymously. I'm just curious about what you listen to, if you listen to anything while you're reading and writing.
Labels: Bruce Springsteen, Johnny Cash, Kris Kristofferson, The Manuscript