Monday, September 11, 2006

Take a Moment

And remember where you were five years ago today.

I was on my way to vote in my local municipal elections. I can't remember who or what I voted for, but I remember voting. The TV was on inside the polling place, and nobody spoke. When I voted, there were three other people at the booths. Two were crying.

My polling place was a school since converted into condos. Middle Child had just turned three. He was in day care across the street. When I came to pick him up, I checked my polling place again. A line of people stretched out the door. About three quarters of them carried flags. They were singing "God Bless America." This was for a city primary just outside Boston that normally would have had 8% turnout.

Today I got an e-mail from my friend Ed Novak. Some of you know Ed in person; some of you know him from this blog. I was a Groomsman in his wedding. His daughter is one of my Godchildren. His wife is my oldest friend. Her parents and mine grew up together.

Five years ago, Ed watched news coverage of the attacks with his work colleagues. Today he observed September 11 remembrances in Baghdad. Next month, God willing, Lt. Novak and the rest of his unit will be home... and I'm holding him to the promise he made me in July: Venison and beer at his house.

While you're remembering where you were on that awful day, be sure also to remember the men and women still in harm's way who are making sure it never happens again. Thank them for a job well done and-- if you're so inclined-- say a prayer for their safe return.

Thanks, Ed. Come home soon.


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